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 Where Are You Now Justin Bieber

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 292
تاريخ التسجيل : 04/05/2012

Where Are You Now Justin Bieber Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Where Are You Now Justin Bieber   Where Are You Now Justin Bieber Icon_minitimeالأحد مايو 06, 2012 12:05 am

Where Are You Now Justin Bieber 98bd41a08c

ohhh woah...
Where are you now
When I need you the most

Why don't you take my hand
I want to be close

Help me when i am down

Lift me up off the ground

Teach me right from wrong

Help me to stay strong

Take my hand and walk with me

Show me what to be

I need you to set me free


Where are you now

Where are you now

Now that im half grown

Why are we far apart

I feel so alone

Where are you now

When nothing is going right

Where are you now

I can't see the light

So take my hand and walk with me

Show me what to be

I need you to set me free, yeah, yeah

I need you, to need me

Cant you see me

How could you leave me

My heart is

Half empty

Im not whole

When your not with me

I want you

You with me

To guide me, hold me, love me now

Where are you now


Where are you now

So take my hand and walk with me

Show me what to be

I need you to set me free, yeah, yeah


Where are you now


Yeah, yeah...

Ohh, ohh...

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Where Are You Now Justin Bieber
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